
fOSSa 2015

Amphithéâtre Ricordeau - Faculté d'Ondotologie - Nantes

23 - 25 septembre 2015

All the talks are in english otherwised mentionned. Some debates are in french


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Crowd Teaching // Crowding Scientific Research

Wednesday 23rd September 2015

The session is led by Colin de la Higuera & Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

Click on the image to open the page of the talk

img-SophieTouzeFossa2015Fossa2015 Sophie Touzé, Vice-president of Open Education Consortium and  Head of Innovation in Pedagogy at Vetagro Sup – Université de Lyon.
Crowd Teaching? Kesako?

img-MitjaJermolFossa2015 Mitja Jermol, the holder of UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Education

Opening up Slovenia teaching? What about the technologies impact on teaching?

img-DomiEndersFossa2015 Domi Enders, the founder and CEO of Open Assembly

CrowdTeaching & Openness, The future of open Education?

img-debateEcologicalTransitionsFossa2015 Matteo Cantarelli, co-founder of OpenWorm

Open Worms – Open Science now!

img-debateCrowdTeachingFossa2015 Debate about Crowd Teaching & Sciences, animated by Colin De La Higuera


Open Design // DIY Village // Ecological Transitions

Thursday 24th September 2015

The session is led by Corentin le Bris

img-debateEcologicalTransitionsFossa2015 Marco Fioretti, freelance writer, popularizer, activist and teacher

The Digital DIY Social/Cultural Phenomenon: How & Why The DiDIY Project Intends To Study It

img-RyanMerkleyFossa2015 Ryan Merkley, the CEO of Creative Commons

Open Design ? Open Commons ? Creative Commons ! 

img-GregSaulFossa2015 Greg Saul, Design practioner

SketchChair : Open the design in practice…

img-WouterTebbensFossa2015 Wouter Tebbens, president of freeknowledgeinstitute

Digital DIY: Rights and obligations for a sustainable industrial society

img-UrosPetrevskiFossa2015 Uros Petrevski, Product designer – hacker, co-author of WeIO

NoDesign WeIO

img-debateOpenDesignFossa2015 Debate on Open Design, animated by Corentin Le Bris & Norbert Friant

img-DanielKaplanFossa2015 Ecological Transitions/ Keynote by Daniel Kaplan, the founder and CEO of the Next Generation Internet Foundation - FING


img-debateEcologicalTransitionsFossa2015 Ecological Transitions/ Debate animated by Jacques François Marchandise 


Citizen Clouds: Towards a more decentralized internet ?

Friday 25th September 2015

The session is led by Thierry Priol

img-ThierryPriolFossa2015 Thierry Priol, Directeur des partenariats européens chez Inria


img-TristanNitotFossa2015 Tristan Nitot, Cozy Cloud Chief Product Officer

 Making the Cloud personal 

img2-DanielKaplanFossa2015 Daniel Kaplan, the founder and CEO of the Next Generation Internet Foundation (FING)

Self Data: Empowering people with their own personal data

img-PascalMolliFossa2015 Pascal Molli, professor in University of Nantes, head of GDD team in LINA, DESCENT: Plug-based Decentralized Social Network

img-NicolasLoeuilletFossa2015 Nicolas Loeuillet, Web developer, creator of wallabag, Framabag, Wallabag

Together let’s decentralize internet !

img-debateEcologicalTransitionsFossa2015 Debate on CitizenClouds: Towards a more decentralized internet?

img-StephaneUbedaFossa2015 Stéphane Ubéda, directeur du développement technologique chez Inria

Let's close the conference !

Edition page Web: Alain Crenn - Service Communication & Médiation/ audiovisuel