
fOSSa 2015

Amphithéâtre Ricordeau - Faculté d'Ondotologie - Nantes

23 - 25 septembre 2015

Day 1 - Crowd Teaching // Crowding Scientific Research Wednesday 23rd September 2015

img-SophieTouzeFossa2015 The talk of Sophie Touzé (time: 30:01 mn)

img-exposeMitjaJermolFossa2015 The talk of Mitja Jermol (time: 42:08 mn)

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Vice-president of Open Education Consortium and Head of Innovation in Pedagogy at Vetagro Sup – Université de Lyon

At 24:59 mn, Sophie Touzé answers to questions of the audience



Open Source, Open Software, Open Research, Open Government, Open … in the wonderful family of Open, I want to ask about the Open Education Movement. The children who naively wanted to change the world surprised everyone succeeding to revolution the world of education.

With the phenomena of  MOOCs, crowd teaching has started to question the old academic models, proposing new ways of teaching where the teacher is no longer alone; in line with other social inititatives (such as crowd funding) he can now rely on collective intelligence.
In this presentation we will consider the following three questions:  where does it come from?, what is precisely the Open Education Consortium?, and where does it go from here? img-flecheHaut


Opening up Slovenia teaching ? What about the technologies impact on teaching ? - Mitja Jermol

Holder of UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Education and a head of the Centre for knowledge Transfer at Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia 

At 36:02 mn, Mitja Jermol answers to questions of the audience



The talk will focus on the current status of Open Educational Resources (OER) which can be described by “the critical mass of content is missing the critical mass of users”. I will argue that the advanced technologies are not being explored in a full extend to foster the wide adoption of OER.


Edition page Web: Alain Crenn - Service Communication & Médiation/ audiovisuel