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Colloquium rennais des sciences du numérique

4ème édition du colloquium - 11 octobre 2013

Résultat de la volonté des établissements de recherche réunis au sein du Comité de Site Math-STIC de Rennes, le Colloquium a pour but de réunir périodiquement l'ensemble des chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et étudiants de la place rennaise qui s'intéressent aux sciences du numérique. Depuis le 17 avril 2013, et environ tous les deux mois, un nouveau cycle de belles conférences scientifiques se tient dans l'amphithéâtre du centre Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique

img-FredericBimbotColloquiumScienceMusique L'édition du Colloquium est présentée par Frédéric Bimbot, directeur de recherche CNRS (PANAMA)

Trois exposés ont été présentés, lors de cette quatrième édition du colloquium.

img-journeeScienceMusique2013 img-titreJourneeScienceMusique



img-MarkPlumbeyColloquiumMark Plumbey, Professor & Director of the Centre for Digital Music (C4DM), Queen Mary University of London.

Making Sense of Sound and Music (Time: 57:11 mn)


Note: The questions of the audience at 47:25


Sound and music surrounds us all the time. Often we hear all this without really noticing: it just forms part of the background to our lives. The human ability to listen to sounds is something that is very hard for computers; but we are now beginning to build sound processing methods that can help us.

In this talk I will discuss some of these techniques that can separate out different sound sources from a mixture, follow the notes and the beats in a piece of music, or show us the sound in new visual ways. These « machine listening » algorithms offer the potential to make sense of the huge amount of sound and music in our digital world: helping us to analyze sounds like heartbeats or birdsong, find the music we want in huge collections of music tracks, or to create music in new ways.

img-MarkPlumbeyColloquiumScienceMusique Biography: Prof. Mark Plumbley is Director of the Centre for Digital Music (C4DM) at Queen Mary University of London. His research interests include the analysis of audio and music signals, including beat tracking, automatic music transcription and source separation, using techniques such as information theory and sparse representations. He is Principal Investigator on several current EPSRC grants, including « Sustainable Software for Digital Music and Audio Research » and a Platform Grant, and he holds an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship. He leads the UK Digital Music Research Network and is a member of the IEEE Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee.