
Future Cloud Symposium

img-logoInria Monday 23th & Tuesday 24th June 2014 - Inria Conference center in Rennes

Talk's Monday 23rd June 2014 ; Talk's Tuesday 24th June 2014


EIT ICT Labs Symposium on Future Cloud Computing
Transitioning from Research to Business
Opportunities in Cloud Business in Europe

A two day international symposium on the future of Cloud Computing hosted by EIT ICT Labs
June 23 & 24, 2014 in Rennes, INRIA Conference Center, France.

Cloud Computing began as a disruption in the marketplace only five short years ago. Since then, it has become a game-changer in terms of how businesses manage the flow of information, how we distribute software and data and how people connect to one another. With Cloud, the industry has the potential to significantly contribute to European growth while offering many opportunities to new ventures and established global players.

The Symposium has been an opportunity to take a closer look at the future of Cloud Computing, providing a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs, industry representatives, decision-makers, venture capitalists, academics, researchers and Cloud professionals to:

  • Meet some of the key players responsible for shaping the future of Cloud Computing.
  • Discover some of the most promising new ventures in Cloud from across Europe.
  • Participate in the prestigious EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge Finals in Cloud Computing and the award ceremomy, where successful and winning ideas have been awarded.
The Symposium had covered a variety of topics addressing the future of Cloud Computing in the E.U. with perspectives from those shaping the Cloud ecosystem in Europe and in the rest of the world. Expert speakers have converged including representatives from EIT ICT Labs, by leading academics from INRIA, IRISA, TU Berlin, U Neuchatel, entrepreneurs from Europe and the USA and industry leaders such as Microsoft, Google, Thales, and more.

The EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge is a European contest for startups & students with innovative ideas around eight topics, including Future Cloud. Winners not only get up to 40,000 Euro cash, but also coaching and mentoring from experts of the EIT ICT Labs Business Development Accelerator and office space for six months. The application period is open until 20 April and the Future Cloud final pitches and award ceremony takes place at the Symposium.

Day 1

Welcome word : Bertrand Braunschweig (Inria) & Jean-Marc Jézéquel (IRISA)
Opening Symposium - Willem Jonker, EIT ICT Labs CEO
Opening Day 1 - Stéphane Amarger, EIT ICT Labs Paris Node director
Scalable infrastructures for personalization: Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Inria, Allyours startup

Why Clouds are not interesting?: Peter Dickman, Google Zurich


From Research to Business: the EIT ICT Labs New ventures BD Accelerator: Björn Hovstadius, EIT ICT Labs BDA
img-Cloud Computing Idea Challenge finalsEITICTLabs
Cloud Computing Idea Challenge finals: introduction, pitches and questions

Day 2

Opening Day 2: Tua Huomo, EIT ICT Labs Action Line Leader, Future Cloud
Rack-scale computing: opportunity or curse for applications?: Ant Rowstron, Microsoft Research
Big data for cargo transport: an entrepreneurship journey: Asparuh Koev, CEO of Transmetrics, EIT ICT Labs Future Cloud Competition winner 2013
Research Challenges for Data Privacy in the Cloud: Pascal Felber, University of Neuchatel
Big Data looks tiny from Stratosphere: Kostas Tzoumas, Technological University - Berlin
Cloud and Business Transformation: Janne Järvinen, Director of F-Secure
Thales: Cloud Computing Challenges and Position: Georges Le Pallec, Thales
The Network as a first class citizen of the Cloud : challenges and opportunities: Pascale Vicat-Blanc, Lyatiss, former INRIA
Privacy for the Cloud: David Pointcheval, ENS - ERC
Contrail: towards a trusted cloud market place: Christine Morin, Myriad's team - Inria
Digital Disciplines: Competing via the Cloud: Joseph Weinman, Senior Vice President, Telx
Future Cloud Idea Challenge awards ceremony
Closing Symposium: Tua Huomo, EIT ICT Labs Action Line Leader, Future Cloud



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