
The talks (MP4 - Downloading files)

Jiri Matas ; Patrick Perez ; Andrew Zisserman ; Albert Gordo ; Yannis Avrithis ; Philippe-Henri Gosselin

img-Jirimatas-workshopComputerscience2oct2014 Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University Prague

Short-term Model-Free Causal Tracking - the VOT Challenge 2013, 2014 [time: 47:37mn]

The Visual Object Tracking Challenge is a benchmarking activity for a certain class of trackers. The talk will introduce the challenge, its semi-automatic selection and annotation of test data and the performance metrics. We will review the results for 2013 and 2014, summarize the lessons learned and discuss changes considered for 2015.

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img-PatrickPerezWorkshopComputerVision2oct2014 Patrick Perez, Technicolor, Rennes

Face2Face: Learning Metrics to Compare Faces [time: 53:03mn]

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Andrew Zisserman, University of Oxford

Time is on my side


The talk will cover two aspects of encoding time in video: first, to discern the temporal direction of the video, and second, to discriminate human actions in video. For the second aspect we employ a deep Convolutional Network trained on multi-frame dense optical flow, and evaluate on the standard video human actions benchmarks of UCF-101 and HMDB-51.
Work with William Freeman, Zheng Pan, Lyndsey Pickup, Bernhard Scholkopf, YiChang Shih, Karen Simonyan, Donglai Wei, Changshui Zhang .

The slides


img-AlbertGordo-workshopComputerScience2oct2014 Albert Gordo, Xerox Research Center Europe

Towards Text Understanding: Word Image Representation, Matching and Recognition [time: 32:48 mn]

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img-YannisAvrithis-workshopComputerVision2oct2014 Yannis Avrithis, National Technical University of Athens

Image Retrieval, Vector Quantization and Nearest Neighbor Search [timing: 29:53 mn]

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img-PHGosselin-workshopComputervision2oct2014 Philippe-Henri Gosselin, ENSEA - Cergy

Scalable Learning and Indexing for Retrieval in Large Image Databases [timing: 21:59 mn]

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