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Visual attention modelling and applications.
Towards perceptual-based editing methods

img-HervejegouHDR2014 Olivier Le Meur (EPI Sirocco)


Soutenance HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) - 18 novembre 2014



(Durée: 49:15 mn - Format MP4 - Version téléchargeable)

Composition du jury:

Anne-Guérin DUGUE, Rapporteur, Prof. Université de Grenoble, France
Philippe SALEMBIER, Rapporteur, Prof. Université de Catalogne, Espagne
Laurent ITTI, Rapporteur, Prof. Université De Californie du Sud, USA (*)
Frédéric DUFAUX, Examinateur, DR CNRS, Telecom ParisTech, France
Patrick LE CALLET, Examinateur, Prof. Université de Nantes, France
Eric MARCHAND, Examinateur, Prof. Université de Rennes 1, France
Patrick BOUTHEMY, Examinateur, DR INRIA Rennes, France
(*) n'était pas présent lors de la soutenance.

Abstract :

In this presentation, I will present my main research topics, namely the modelling of visual attention and image editing. The former deals with the bottom-up computational models which predict where people look within a scene. From an incoming image, such models output a 2D map which indicates the salient locations of the input image. This map is well known as the saliency map. Performance and limitations of existing models will be underlined and discussed. I will also introduce some saliency-based applications.
Regarding the second research topic, e.g. image editing, I will focus more specifically on exemplar-based image inpainting methods. I will present our contributions in this field.

Finally, I will draw some conclusions and presents some future works dealing perceptual-based image editing methods.
