
Friday 19th August 2016 (part Four)

Neal H.Walfield, ZFS : Love Your Data ; Ludovic Courtès, Navigating the Guix Subsystems ; Jeff Burdges, Xolotl A compact mixnet format

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img-NealHWalfieldWorkshopGNU2016 ZFS : Love Your Data

by Neal H. Walfield, GnuPG  developer – Friday 19th 2016 (58:23 mn)

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img-LudovicCourtesWorkshopGNU2016 Navigating the Guix Subsystems (26:15 mn)

by Ludovic Courtès, Research engineer at Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, development and experimentation development (SED) - Friday 19th August 2016

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img-titreIndexPageWebJS2016 Xolotl A compact mixnet format with stronger forward secrecy and hybrid anonymity (35:03 mn)

by Jeff Burdges, Mathematisches Institut Universität Münster, GNU’s development team [35:03 mn]

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