Les séminaires prospective
Conseil d'Orientation Scientifique et Technologique

31 mars 2006
Institut Henri Poincaré - Amphithéâtre Darboux - Paris Ve

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Théorie FNP de l'information : avancées récentes et défis futurs
Venkat Anantharam - Université de Californie, Berkeley, USA.
Vidéo (1h40) ; Transparents (Fichier pdf)

Résumé : information theory is the science of communication in environments limited by noise and interference (both inadvertent and malign). As such, it is one of the key pillars of the ongoing information revolution.
Recent advances in the field, such as a better understanding of multiaccess communications, multiple antenna communications, and advances in coding theory, have already had a substantial practical impact on the real world (witness e.g the wireless communications revolution and the amazing reduction in the cost per byte of memory). New developments in technology such as sensor networks and the increased need for security pose new challenges to the field, whose resolution may have a comparable impact.
In this talk several examples will be given to substantiate these positions.
Nouvelles menaces et défis pour la cyber-sécurité
Gene Tsudik - Université de Californie, Irvine, USA

Vidéo (1h32) ; Transparents (Fichier pdf)

Résumé : this talk will touch upon some anticipated and conjectured new security challenges and corresponding research topics some of which are summarized in this abstract.
Security is Denial-of-Service in and of itself. It robs computers of valuable cycles and slows them down. It steals disk space and bandwidth; it also complicates software and hardware design and, as a result, influences costs of both. As a necessary evil, security is clearly a nuisance to most people and researchers have failed to convince them otherwise. Consequently, security awareness & education for the masses represents a major challenge. Just like most computer users have learned how to use cumbersome and often non-intuitive software (e.g., editors, calendars, mailers and backup utilities), we need to motivate them to use (if not appreciate) security/privacy tools and techniques.

La suite
Page de présentation de la diffusion le jour même.

Une production du Pôle audiovisuel (PAVU) de l'Irisa, avril 2006.

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